MAJ Beam Sketch Up Plugin Free

MAJ Beam is a plugin designed specifically for SketchUp, aimed at enhancing the software's capabilities for structural design, particularly for creating and managing beam elements. This plugin is valuable for architects, structural engineers, and construction professionals who need to incorporate precise beam structures into their SketchUp models. Here’s an in-depth look at the MAJ Beam plugin:

Key Features

  1. Easy Beam Creation: MAJ Beam simplifies the process of creating beams within SketchUp. Users can quickly generate beams by selecting from predefined profiles or customizing their own.
  2. Profile Customization: The plugin allows for extensive customization of beam profiles. Users can define the dimensions and shapes that meet their specific project needs, providing flexibility and precision in design.
  3. Material Assignment and Visualization: Users can assign various materials to the beams, helping to visualize how different materials will look in the final structure. This feature is essential for both aesthetic and functional analysis.
  4. Dynamic Editing: Beams created with MAJ Beam are fully editable. Users can adjust the length, width, height, and other properties dynamically, ensuring the model can be easily modified as project requirements change.
  5. Integration with Other Tools: MAJ Beam is designed to integrate seamlessly with other SketchUp extensions and third-party software, facilitating a smooth workflow from design to analysis and documentation.
  6. Detailed Reporting: The plugin provides detailed reports that include information such as dimensions, materials, and quantities of beams used. This is particularly useful for project planning, budgeting, and resource management.

Benefits for Professionals

  • Increased Efficiency: By automating the beam creation process, MAJ Beam helps users save time and reduce the likelihood of manual errors, leading to more efficient project workflows.
  • Enhanced Precision: The plugin’s precise beam modeling capabilities ensure that designs meet structural requirements and standards, enhancing the overall quality of the project.
  • Better Visualization: The ability to assign and visualize different materials improves the presentation quality of the models, making it easier to communicate ideas to clients and stakeholders.
  • Cost Management: Detailed reports and accurate material assignments help in better project cost estimation and resource allocation, leading to more efficient project management.

Use Cases

  • Architectural Design: Architects can use MAJ Beam to integrate structural elements into their models, ensuring a cohesive design that considers both aesthetic and structural aspects.
  • Structural Engineering: Structural engineers can design and analyze beam structures directly within SketchUp, allowing for a more integrated and streamlined design process.
  • Construction Planning: Construction professionals can use the plugin to plan the installation of beams, visualize the construction process, and ensure accuracy in the field.
  • Educational Applications: Educators and students in architecture and engineering fields can use MAJ Beam as a practical tool to learn about structural design and modeling.

Getting Started

To get started with MAJ Beam, users need to download and install the plugin from the SketchUp Extension Warehouse or the MAJ Beam website. After installation, the plugin can be accessed from the SketchUp toolbar. Comprehensive tutorials and documentation are available to help new users quickly learn how to utilize all the features of MAJ Beam effectively.


MAJ Beam is a robust and versatile plugin for SketchUp that enhances the software’s capabilities for structural beam design. Its user-friendly interface, extensive customization options, and integration with other tools make it an essential addition for professionals in architecture, structural engineering, and construction. By simplifying beam creation and management, MAJ Beam helps users improve efficiency, accuracy, and the overall quality of their projects.


MAJ Beam Version 2023

SketchUp Compatibility

SketchUp 2023, SketchUp 2022, SketchUp 2021, SketchUp 2020, SketchUp 2019, SketchUp 2018, SketchUp 2017, SketchUp 2016, SketchUp 2015, SketchUp 2014, SketchUp 2013

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