Best 10 Popular and Useful AutoLISP for AutoCAD

AutoLISP is a specialized programming language designed to extend the functionality of AutoCAD, the industry-leading design and drafting software. With its roots in the LISP programming language, AutoLISP is particularly tailored for automating repetitive tasks and creating custom commands, making it an invaluable tool for architects, engineers, and designers.

Top 10 Popular and Useful AutoLISP for AutoCAD

1. Area Calculation

Purpose: Automatically calculate areas of selected objects and display or export the values.

Why it's useful: Saves time when dealing with multiple areas or complex geometry.

2. Align Text to Curve

Purpose: Aligns text or annotations along curved paths like arcs or polylines.

Why it's useful: Enhances the aesthetics and clarity of designs, especially for labeling contours or roads.

3. Batch Export to Excel

Purpose: Exports selected AutoCAD table data or object properties to Excel.

Why it's useful: Simplifies data sharing and reporting for projects.

4. Dimensioning Polyline Segments

Purpose: Automatically dimensions all segments of a polyline.

Why it's useful: Reduces the effort of dimensioning complex shapes manually.

5. Display Coordinates

Purpose: Extracts and displays the coordinates of selected points or objects in the drawing.

Why it's useful: Useful for surveying, mapping, and coordinate reporting tasks.

6. Union Polylines

Purpose: Combines overlapping or connected polylines into a single object.

Why it's useful: Streamlines drawing cleanup and simplifies geometry.

7. Length and Area Field

Purpose: Creates dynamic fields that display the length or area of selected objects.

Why it's useful: Provides real-time updates when the geometry changes.

8. Object Alignment

Purpose: Aligns objects such as blocks, text, or hatches along reference lines or other objects.

Why it's useful: Speeds up placement and ensures alignment accuracy.

9. Double Extend

Purpose: Extends selected lines to meet two intersecting boundaries.

Why it's useful: Eliminates manual trimming and extending in complex intersections.

10. Column Section Generation

Purpose: Automates the creation of detailed column sections.

Why it's useful: Accelerates structural detailing, especially in large-scale projects.


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