DYNAMIC AREA (DYNAREA).vlx", is likely a compiled application file used in AutoCAD, a popular design and drafting software. VLX files are typically compiled versions of AutoLISP or Visual LISP scripts, commonly created to automate repetitive tasks, customize workflows, or introduce specialized tools and commands to enhance AutoCAD's functionality.
The file's name suggests it pertains to a feature or tool related to "DYNAMIC AREA" (DYNAREA). This might involve managing or analyzing dynamic regions within a drawing, such as controlling specific boundaries, automating calculations for areas, or dynamically updating information related to those regions. Such tools can be highly useful in architectural, engineering, or other design projects where spatial analysis and dynamic modifications are necessary.
VLX files are optimized for performance and security, as the compilation ensures faster execution and protects the underlying source code from unauthorized access. To use this file, it would need to be loaded into AutoCAD using the APPLOAD command or by including it in the startup suite. Once loaded, it could introduce new commands, dialog boxes, or menu options specifically tailored for the "DYNAMIC AREA" functionality.